Tightening of credit cards by BI, votes can suppress the NPL so that the bank be prudent. But, about the prohibition of compound interest, both the cost and its philosophy is considered not balanced.
The regulations summarized in 14/2/PBI/2012 BI Regulation issued January 6, 2012 to refine the previous rules, PBI 11/11/PBI/2009. The rules will take effect January 1, 2013, with a transition period until January 1, 2015, it is mentioned, the credit card holder must be at least 21 years old or have been married for the main card, and 17 years old or have been married for an additional card.
In addition, credit card holders are also only to customers with a minimum income of Rp 3 million per month, which refers to 3 times the average national Minimum Wage UMP, which must be proven with official proof of income. Meanwhile, the maximum credit limit is also set three times the revenue per month, unless the customer income above Rp 10 million.
BI also restricts ownership of a credit card a maximum of two cards from two publishers, except for the card holders with an income of Rp10 million per month. BI expects a variety of these new provisions could be applied to credit card issuing banks began this year.
In addition, BI also prohibits credit card issuers to apply compound interest system, known as interest berbunga.Hal is also stipulated in Bank Indonesia Regulation 14/2/PBI/2012 number of changes over 11/11/PBI/2009tentang PBI Payment Instrument Activities with Card (APMK), which was published on January 6, 2012.
The last provisions contained in article 17, paragraph 7 item d which states "charges and penalties, and interest payable banned from use as a component of calculation of interest." It's not set in the previous PBI, so most banks apply the system of interest rates in credit cards.
Economic observer David Sumual positive rate of BI's rules. Because, very good for prudence or prudential banking. The ultimate goal is to avoid bad credit. Now, says David, bad debts or the Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) of credit cards reached 4.5% (as of November 2011, December 2011 figures not yet released).
That is, said David, the risk of credit cards is quite high, although still below the maximum limit of 5%. "This rule, expected to suppress the NPLs to below 4%. So, there is the age profile, income, and limit the ceiling limit, it is very positive, ".
But, says David, a maximum of two cards for income Rp3 million, only good for a new one will sign up. "But, if the customer already had four credit cards from four banks, which banks are also difficult to be stopped. It can not be forced to decide which bank, "he said.
According to him, look in the mirror on the 1998-1999 crisis in South Korea where people actually use a credit card. Therefore, they dug a hole close the hole. "They apply more than two credit cards," he said.
So also with that of the USA today. U.S. society from the home installments of the credit card or Personal Loan (KTA). "Ultimately accumulate, so the bubble and burst. So, when the credit card crisis and the KTA must be careful, "he said.
Above all, David estimates, tightening credit card rules will not be eroded bank earnings although highly dependent on how banks work around. "Because of the potential of people who do not have a credit card is still widespread," he said.
Of the total population, a population of productive age 15-54 years who are economically active, the average population of Indonesia only has 0.1 credit cards per person. While in South Korea, per person up to 4 credit cards. In the U.S. population is 5 per credit card.
In addition to visits from age, from the Middle Class Indonesia is also still remains a large potential that is 136 million people. That number, divided by the total population of Indonesia 237 million which is a huge market potential 57.3%.
Because the credit card owner was a kid, he asserted, the rule of BI will not be eroded bank earnings. "What is happening is the potential growth of credit card ownership. Therefore, this also will not affect the fundamentals of issuers in the banking sector, "he added.
It's just a matter of BI rules that prohibit compound interest (compound interest), David did not agree. The reason, the bank gives compound interest to the community. That is, if people keep on deposit at banks and at maturity is not melted, the flowers bloom again plus the principal.
But conversely, if the banks give loans to people and not impose compound interest (compound interest), in terms of cost and philosophy so it is not a draw. "Moreover, all banks in the world practice of compound interest," added David.