A hacker announced that he hijacked the 15 thousand credit card accounts owned by citizens of Israel. According to data from Israel Banking Supervision Department, the credit card account that was hijacked from three credit card companies, namely Cal (Cartisey Ashrai Le'Israel), Isracard (Israel Credit Card), and Leumi Card.
Top of this hacking action, the Israeli Foreign Ministry Deputy then equate cyber attacks to terrorist acts.
"There will be no group of hackers who will be immune to the government's response," said Danny Ayalon, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel, the Jerusalem Post English-language daily.
According to him, this attack will be equated with terrorism and should get the same response to terrorist acts.
However, Ayalon's assertion it will provoke the wrath of hackers and it seems he will be the next target of hacking attacks.
Sure enough, a personal website Ayalon then hackers hijacked and diverted to an Arabic-language site with a central message: "It has been hacked by Foxy + TKL and Gaza Hacker Team. We declare war in cyberspace. Not afraid of this monkey"
Ayalon then could not be reached for comment regarding this attack. Until this news was written, the recovery is still not successful website.
Successfully Tracked A Blogger
An Israeli blogger, Amir Fedida, claiming hackers managed to track the identity, namely her nickname "oxOmar", a Saudi Arabian citizen aged 19 years who now lives in Mexico.
Fedida call this a hacker who is not too smart. "He did a lot of mistakes," said Fedida in writing in the Haaretz, an Israeli media-language publication.
Fedida called hackers because hackers are not intelligent approach to Israeli media using the e-mail that can be tracked. In addition to dialogue with Israeli journalists, in search beberaja hours, I not only can keep track of who he is, but also a variety of information scattered around the web that dibajaknya.
I get this information piece by piece, such as preparing a puzzle, "said Fedida in a blog post. Fedida hope that fruitful investigations and is able to bring hackers to justice.
Previously, hackers with the nickname "oxOmar" publish data that results when infiltrated into the first raid about 80 database servers. Hacker claims to live in Riyadh and he is a student of computer science.
He publishes credit card details, personal addresses, names, phone numbers, social security number of the individuals listed on the website One.co.il. After two publications, the third publication, name of the hacker who published different data, ie, calls himself "X".